"strange days on planet earth"
part 4
plants and animals could die of the climate change that is happening every half a decade off the coast of origin the temperature of the coast flip flops so neer the coast when its cold the plankton thrive ut when it is how it is the exact opposite and in the virgin islands more and more kids are getting asmatha and sea fans are getting raggidy and this is all happeinig because of lake chad because of when it starts to dry out it makes dust that flys to the virgin islands and global warming is drying out the lake
part 5
not here
part 6
lepoard frogs are dying because of a type of incecticide for conrn crops and that incecticide is spread in to ponds and lakes and than when the incectcide gets in the watr the frogs that are males start makeing eggs and in some cases nale frogs start to get ovareys and that is the reason that their numbers are declineing
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
isaac vargas 18,2010
"strange days on planet earth"
alien species are different species that may or may not have ever existed for example termites they are from china and have infested loisiana and destroyd buildings there and in chicago and can build asses tunnels under groubd to gather food also they can live in trees witch can make it difficult to exterminate them
part 2
in uganda the top preator ther is the nile crocadille in lake victoria then the nile pearch killed outher small native fish after that water hassian also infested the lake so the natives installed weevils into the water and within 5 yeas water hassian started to decrese in hawai maiconia can cause land slides if they can grow big
part 3
scientist think that 1/3 of land mammals will be extinct if outher annimals have no borders and over a century by burning carbon dioxide fuels we have raised the arths tempature bu one degree in alaska climate change has affected the caraboo because over a few years the herd has been stedaly declineing and in winter there is more snow so they can be easly killed by preators and starveation
alien species are different species that may or may not have ever existed for example termites they are from china and have infested loisiana and destroyd buildings there and in chicago and can build asses tunnels under groubd to gather food also they can live in trees witch can make it difficult to exterminate them
part 2
in uganda the top preator ther is the nile crocadille in lake victoria then the nile pearch killed outher small native fish after that water hassian also infested the lake so the natives installed weevils into the water and within 5 yeas water hassian started to decrese in hawai maiconia can cause land slides if they can grow big
part 3
scientist think that 1/3 of land mammals will be extinct if outher annimals have no borders and over a century by burning carbon dioxide fuels we have raised the arths tempature bu one degree in alaska climate change has affected the caraboo because over a few years the herd has been stedaly declineing and in winter there is more snow so they can be easly killed by preators and starveation
Friday, October 1, 2010
saveing species on planet earth isaac .v
I think that the Planet Earth documentary that was really good and it is also sending a message to the person that is watchind the video.Like poaching some people still do that even though its aginst the law. Ice caps are melting so fast polar bears have no time to get to shelter. Some very interesting animals of the world are already endangered. Some people are already adapted to killing endangered animals. Some animals are very rare so you don't see them very often. For example snow lepaords are now scarce there's only 30 in the world or those rams we saw. That's the species you hardly ever see. Aprehension is like when we are killing to many animals so we are holding them down from surviving so they go extinct. If we conserve more energy we could save the earth. We will waste all natural resources if we don't start conserving. The Human Population will increase every single year. We will be sustainibly living for the rest of our lives.
and maybe some species wont go extint and also some species might also come back :):
Friday, September 3, 2010
isaac 1, 2010

this picture is just awesome this image inspires to keep moving no matter what happens to you weather or not you slow down and have a bad life or moving fast and going to collage witch is basicly what is our school is about going to collage for a better education
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
todays blog-
well today is June 1st 2010 and in this post will include these questions what did i learn this six weeks, what will i look forward to next year in 7th grade, and what did you learn overall. question 1: there are allot of things that i learned this six weeks such as game design game planning and one last thing i all ways say for an answer is how difficult it is to make a game. question 2: for next year i expect allot more work this year and then we will get more deeper in game designand maybe we could make a 3-D video game next year but that is a bit more difficulut but in the end i expect it to be great. question3: over all i leaneed alot so mutch i cant fit it i one page so here is an excerpt from my 5th blog post
what i learned today is how to changee the template on my blog i also learned how to ad a pictuer to my blog and how to change the color of my blog page and there are alot more sutch as how to add animation to our games and make a sample and mutch mutch more this and should be my very last post -Isaac
what i learned today is how to changee the template on my blog i also learned how to ad a pictuer to my blog and how to change the color of my blog page and there are alot more sutch as how to add animation to our games and make a sample and mutch mutch more this and should be my very last post -Isaac
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
flash-used for game programing
swf file- a small web format
fla file-adobe flash
time line - what is used to programgame
key frame- a frame to use action script
library - where symbols are stored
action - needs layers
layers- used to apply action
symbol - it is like a game piece
stage - the blank page on flash
flash-used for game programing
swf file- a small web format
fla file-adobe flash
time line - what is used to programgame
key frame- a frame to use action script
library - where symbols are stored
action - needs layers
layers- used to apply action
symbol - it is like a game piece
stage - the blank page on flash
Its been hard to learn it the first time maybe if the teacher can go over it slowly maybe some of us could understand it and maybe some Passions.well like i said before if the teacher can go over it slowly with patients and some quiet in the room .i don't know well i think so you can save and up load to the wiki and that way you can see all your work and progress.well now its getting complicated because the whole converting and designing thing is hard to get but i guess i don't know how to explain it but i know IL try my best to get all the info and data.well some times its better because people are playing around and some times the rest of the people get something done and it makes them look good the people who get there work done them they look good but most of the time its distracting and annoying but I'm gonna go with a no because its not help full wen people are distracting you.they are kinda helpful because they are telling you how to create games and its a good thing cause i think you sixth graders don't get the opportunity for this only seventh grade or eight grade.i don't really know how they can improve all i can say is that they are doing a great job with the videos.um i think i have to pay more attention cause that's how i get behind by not listening so i will do my best to pay more attention.it can help in the future cause like if i cant tech my little nephew math then i can create a fun game of math and probably it can help him learn it the fun way or make a cool game for me and that why i want to learn it.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
my teams blog: titans
yesterday the news said there would be snow in Austin at first i dint believe it then i saw little bits of ice then snow the was allot i had snow ball fights with my dad brother and sister even made a snow man and even had enough snow to roll arround in too and when after every few minutes it would stop then start agin and that happened about 3 times
today is February 24, 2010 and i have to type a dumb half page blog about my teams project, presentation and our progress so i don't have much to say we already presented or paper projects an i really don't know why i am typing this and if your reading this ms. miller i don't know why and i just want to type the titans hardly do work and nick is all ways on myspace and we never work and pretty much just play
the snow day:in Austin
yesterday the news said there would be snow in Austin at first i dint believe it then i saw little bits of ice then snow the was allot i had snow ball fights with my dad brother and sister even made a snow man and even had enough snow to roll arround in too and when after every few minutes it would stop then start agin and that happened about 3 times
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
title here

my position in my team is WIKI updater the reason i have this job is because all of my learning log is up to date and i hardly miss school so that's also why and i did have some disagreements like when i wanted to be the flash person i did though but i would hardly call that an disagreement because i actually did get the job but i have to share it with Robert Salazar but there are other people on my team like nick Luna, Sergio Martinez, Lucio Sanchez , and Ashley oh and don't forget me Isaac Vargas and some of the things i look forward in doing in my game are actually making it before the semester ends the inspiration for our teams game from collage
dropouts so that's were and before i forget our game genre is education and it was either enviorment or poverty so i guess that's it all i have to do is put a picture ............. OK hope you enjoy it
dropouts so that's were and before i forget our game genre is education and it was either enviorment or poverty so i guess that's it all i have to do is put a picture ............. OK hope you enjoy it
Friday, January 22, 2010

today is January 22, 2010 an today in globaloria we have to wright a full page blog about Was it hard to make your mini game? What was the best part of this topic? The worst part?
Do you play games in your free time? Which ones do you play and why are they your favorite? well to answer the first question the best part of this topic is nothing this class is actually boring the worst part of this class is DETENTION and i actually i do have detention and to answer the third question i love to play games and my favorite game is listed 1.) Ching Chong beautiful 2.) indrustible tank 3.)the third is a you tube video it is called how to be a ninja(nigahita)4.) is also a video its called how to be a ganster
Do you play games in your free time? Which ones do you play and why are they your favorite? well to answer the first question the best part of this topic is nothing this class is actually boring the worst part of this class is DETENTION and i actually i do have detention and to answer the third question i love to play games and my favorite game is listed 1.) Ching Chong beautiful 2.) indrustible tank 3.)the third is a you tube video it is called how to be a ninja(nigahita)4.) is also a video its called how to be a ganster
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

today is January 12, 2010 and my game idea is strategy endorment, the pollution, so first you have to make your character then you have to Battle or complete missions and play the treading card game and or
play the game i originally thought of even though it is form free realms it was the original thought and it going to sort of look like this one below and yes i know its mining but i can make it an enviorment game and you have to make a chain of three or more and then it goes into a big basket an when you fill it up you get More points

my game idea

my game idea
today is January the 12, 2010 and to day we have to make a blog about our game topic and i chose the genre strategy enviorment , the pollution and i think i have an idea but ms miller wants our ideas Written down so now i have even more hone work including reading for 20 minutes then writing a whole page about one book and if you didn't know how much home work i have lets just say i have alot also if you dont know what stratgy is or you just want to know the deffenition of stratgy here it is and by the way i got this from wiki .com
Strategy video games are a genre of video game that emphasize skillful thinking and planning to achieve victory.They emphasize strategic, tactical, and sometimes logistical challenges. Many games also offer economic challenges and exploration. These games sometimes incorporate physical challenges, but such challenges can annoy strategically minded players.
They are generally categorized into four sub-types, depending on whether the game is turn-based or real-time, and whether the game focuses on strategy or
and thats pretty mutch it
They are generally categorized into four sub-types, depending on whether the game is turn-based or real-time, and whether the game focuses on strategy or

and thats pretty mutch it
it is now 9:33pm
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