Monday, March 28, 2011

isaac V. 11 2011

supposedly the new 3DS is cumming out soon or it already has by the time you may be reading this but it costs alot is about $299.99 but the games are really in 3D i know because i tryed it already at game stop when i was tradeing some of my
PlayStation 2 games when they had the demo version of the 3DS and i tryed street  fighter but I'm not going to be able to get one because they cos almost

                                                                               this picture is from


Thursday, March 24, 2011

if i was able to sell my awesome amazing commando game i would because i love games and i mean love them especially X-box games because that's the only console that i have that works but to franchise my game i would need people in my commercial actually playing it for example Michel Jordan eveyboy loves him and
Michael Philips, and Megan fox because they would probably get people to preorder my game  because of them in my commercial and everybody loves them well almost everyone

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

isaac v. 9 2011

once i saw the pictures and videos of the tusnami i felt bad for the people that lived there because they lost everything maybe even includeing thier family,their lives,and their homes but then when i saw a video that someone took while the tusnami hit made me realize how much devestation a tusnami can produce from an earthquake                                      this is from:click here                  

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, march 3, 2011 isaacv 8 2011

 honestly i really do think that I would like to try the new N.G.P. or the Next Generation Portable because just by what I've already seen the NGP looks awesome  because it has 2 sensors on the back, a rear and front camera, and can get WI-FI and 3G Internet and     this is from: click here
 don't forget about the games and all the stuff you can download off the PlayStation network marketplace