Wednesday, May 23, 2012


my thoughts on the globeys this year is that i knew that me and Francisco weren't going to get nominated this year mostly because since we split the team with Me Francisco and Steven we only had about 2 to 4 weeks to reconstruct the game we ended up making but congrats to every one that won
(p.s. the song in my imagination fits any one who won)

1. What did you think about the article?
I think the article was or sounded like it was promoting the school
2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and GLobaloria, a program that you participate in.
It made me feel proud that im in Globaloria 
3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy? 
4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game? 
I think the author was going to say i could have been refined
5. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why?
The author mentoned Michel's game , i wanted him to win

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